Practicing Place – Socio-Cultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations

About the Research Training Group

The interdisciplinary Research Training Group 2589 “Practicing Place: Socio-Cultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations” is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and located at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. We research the intersections, tensions, and dynamics of place and practice. Every practice is shaped by given places, while it at the same time also designs and produces new places in a performative, ongoing process. Seen this way, places can never be conceived of as singular static entities, in the sense of ‘Heimat’ or a closed life-world; rather, places have to be thought of in terms of a dynamic, multifaceted, dialogical, often controversial, affective, and especially participatory system of relations, informed by aspects of performance, construction, perception, production, experience, recognition, and inscription. Our goal is to unpick the ‘how’ of places in relation to the situatedness of any and all practices.

Learn more about our projects and events!



Uganda and Germany: Our Student Assistant talks about their Differences in Practices

In 2024, Hannah Mayinza joined our team as student assistant. In the blogpost below, she describes the differences in practices between Germany and her home country Uganda. Thereby, she shows from an everyday perspective how places are shaped by practices and how practices are shaped by places. The two states being different is common knowledge […]

Episode 01/S03: Coming Home To Eichstätt

In this episode, three doctoral candidates of the new cohort, Gabriela Randig, Jakob Bierwagen and Jessie Martin reflect on what it means to practice Eichstätt as their place of research. Bringing very different experiences and relations to Eichstätt into discussion with each other, the three of them delve into the peculiarity of ‘a small Bavarian […]

Conference „Welcome to Retrotopia? Placing Visions of ‘Britishness’ in the Long Twentieth Century” (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

In the text below, our fellow Leonie Unkel writes about the conference „Welcome to Retrotopia? Placing Visions of ‘Britishness’ in the Long Twentieth Century” that the KU Eichstätt hosted  in July 2024. She also presented her own work in the course of the conference. ‘Retrotopia’ is a concept coined by the British-Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman […]